
Man could manage 70 TRILLION, but failed to manage 70,000

BIGGEST IRONY EVER! Man could manage 70 TRILLION, but failed to manage 70,000 Max the Modern Monk An average Human Being is made up of about 70 Trillion Cells. Some of us who are a little bigger, might even have about 100 Trillion cells.  700000,00,00,00,000……. ‘0’ ZEROS – and Counting!!  That’s some Mathematics that the Body is doing, and I must say real efficiently!  All these 70 Trillion cells comprise of Hands, Legs, Stomach, Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, etc.. etc.. and all of them work in Perfect Harmony. The Heart beats at the prefect pressure to ensure that the Blood is distributed evenly at all parts of the body. As a matter of fact, if the pressure of the Blood circulated to the brain varies even by a minute ratio, it can lead to Brain Hemorrhage. Maintaining this perfect harmony, our lungs, liver, kidney, intestines… . all work in perfect sync and harmony.   Most interestingly, all these 70 trillion Cells are replaced by the Human Body every Seven (07) Years. So
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